Tutoring for Reading, Writing, and Math

Washtenaw Literacy offers free tutoring to adults age 16 and older who live, work, volunteer, or go to school in Washtenaw County.

We’ll work with you to help you meet your goals— whatever they are!

Have questions? Call us at (734) 337-3338 or email info@washtenawliteracy.org.

two women, a tutor and learner, working together

Study with a Personal Tutor

Washtenaw Literacy tutors can help you reach your goals. First, we’ll ask you what you want to learn and how you like to learn. Then, we’ll connect you with a tutor. You and your tutor will decide where to meet—at the library, in a coffee shop, online, or somewhere else. Most tutoring partners work together for at least 6 months.

(There may be a waiting list for this program. If you’d like to get started right away, please join our Community Tutoring sessions.)

To get started, get in touch with us today!

Learn Together

Come learn with us! Our Community Tutoring program offers help in a group setting. We meet in locations throughout Washtenaw County, in Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, and beyond.

You do not have to register ahead of time, and there’s no cost. Everyone is welcome.

woman with two women in the background

Explore More with Learning Labs

Washtenaw Literacy offers workshops on a variety of topics. There is no cost to attend.