Changing Lives Through Adult Literacy

Welcome!  Our Mission Statement:  Believing that literacy is the foundation for a sustainable community, Washtenaw Literacy provides literacy support, free of charge, to adults through a network of trained tutors. It is our vision to eliminate illiteracy in Washtenaw County. Since 1971, we have been empowering adults through improved literacy with in-person and virtual programs. Join us in changing lives and promoting equity in our community.


Office hours:
 Monday & Wednesday, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM.  The office is inside the Ypsilanti District Library at 5577 Whittaker Road.

Click here
to view our healthy programming guidelines. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact anyone on our staff.

Calisa shares her literacy journey!

Current Programs



In order to participate fully in training on Zoom, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Join/leave the meeting
  • Mute/unmute yourself
  • Type in the chat box
  • Join/leave a breakout room

If you are not familiar with Zoom, you can:

  • Watch this brief how-to video.
  • Consider making a tech appointment with Alison (contact information at the bottom of this page) to work out any bugs ahead of time.



In order to get the most out of any virtual workshop, we recommend the following:

  • Participate!  Don't just passively listen!  Talk, share, engage in activities, etc.
  • Mute yourself between activities and discussions to keep our sound quality the best it can be.
  • Engage  even while muted  by taking notes, typing in the chat box, etc.
  • Join from a space with limited distractions.
  • Use the chat box for tech support or to ask an off-topic question.
  • Connect by computer, if possible, as Zoom behaves differently with other devices.
  • Give yourself 1-2 hours before each module to complete the prep work.



See below for the Zoom link, module descriptions, materials, and information about prep work.

Friday, October 27, 2023

MODULE ONE: "Session Planning & Expectations"
4 pm - 5:30 pm





What have been your past experiences
with virtual learning, as a tutor or as a
learner? What do you see as the benefits
of virtual tutoring? The challenges?

Draw a Venn Diagram (click here for
an example) of Traditional Tutoring (in-person)
vs. Virtual Tutoring (online or over the phone).
What do you notice about the differences?
The similarities?


What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a unicycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle?

Mull this over a bit and bring your answer to the workshop. Don't be sly by asking for help or
using the internet!

Tutor Handbook

Read through the Washtenaw Literacy
Tutor Handbook, which contains policies
and information relevant to all tutors in
all of our programs.  

Download here!


Virtual Tutor Training Coursepack

We will cover material in this coursepack in Modules 2 and 3, but you may start reading through it now.

Download here!


Zoom link: Click here


Friday, November 3, 2023

MODULE TWO: "Tutoring Platforms & Tools"
4 pm - 5:30 pm




Tutoring Platform Overview

Read pages 2-7 of the Virtual Tutoring Coursepack. Consider which platforms
your learner(s) may already know and
which platforms you would like
to try to use.

Zoom Practice Checklist

Preview this checklist on page 19 of the
Virtual Tutoring Coursepack, as we will use
it to guide a practice activity during Module 2.

Though you do not need to complete
the checklist before we meet again on
Zoom, it may help you to choose your topic
and photo for the activity ahead of time.

Digital Tool Notesheet

Complete pages 20-22 of the Virtual Tutoring
Coursepack. Read through the information
on the notesheet, practice with the tools, and
make notes as instructed.

(Light blue text on these pages are links to information and tutorials on these tools.)


 Virtual Tutor Training Coursepack

Download here!


Zoom link: Click here


Friday, November 10, 2023

MODULE THREE: "Tutoring Strategies & Adaptations"
4 pm - 5:30 pm




Tutoring Strategy Review

Read pages 8-18 of the Virtual Tutoring Coursepack. Choose 4 strategies you
would like to try to use.

 Strategy Notesheet

Complete pages 23-26 of the Virtual Tutoring
Coursepack. T
ake notes on your 4 strategies
from the coursepack, and choose an additional
1 graphic organizer and 1 game from the
notesheet to make notes as instructed.

(Light blue text on these pages are links to information and tutorials on these activities.)

Strategy Demonstration

Choose 1 strategy from your notes and
prepare to demonstrate it during Module 3.
Imagine you are using the strategy for the
first time with a learner you already know.
Prepare any files, physical materials, or
digital tools that you might need.


Virtual Tutor Training 

Download here!


Zoom link: Click here



Zev is available for Tech Support before, between, and after our modules!
You can reach him at either of the following:

  • Phone: (734) 337 - 3370
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 






In order to participate fully in training on Zoom, you will need to be familiar with the following:

  • Join/leave the meeting
  • Mute/unmute yourself
  • Type in the chat box
  • Join/leave a breakout room

If you are not familiar with Zoom, you can:

  • Watch this brief how-to video.
  • Consider making a tech appointment with Lara (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to work out any bugs ahead of time.



In order to get the most out of any virtual workshop, we recommend the following:

  • Participate!  Don't just passively listen!  Talk, share, engage in activities, etc.
  • Mute yourself between activities and discussions to keep our sound quality the best it can be.
  • Join from a space with limited distractions.
  • Use the chat box for tech support or to ask an off-topic question.
  • Connect by computer, if possible, as Zoom behaves differently with other devices.
  • Give yourself 1-2 hours before each module to complete the prep work.



See below for the Zoom link, module descriptions, materials, and information about prep work.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

MODULE ONE: "Foundations"
6:00 pm- 8:00 pm





Core Tutor Training Coursepack

We will cover material in this course pack during each module, so make sure you have it available to you during our sessions. You can either print it out or have it open on your device.

Download here!


Read pages 2-12 of the
Core Tutor Training Coursepack:

Background on Tutoring Adults
Goal-Setting Strategies

Tutor Handbook

Read through the Washtenaw Literacy
Tutor Handbook, which contains policies
and information relevant to all tutors in
all of our programs.  

Download here!



The Statisticks Lottery

Watch this video (time 5:07) narrated by Morgan Freeman. The video describes an inequity that exists in our community. If you talk to people in labor and delivery at St. Joe's Hospital, they will tell you that the future income of a baby is determined by whether the parents turn left or turn right when leaving the hospital.  

Watch here! 


Zoom link: Click here



Thursday, November 30, 2023

MODULE TWO: "Speaking & Listening"
6:00 pm- 8:00 pm





Case Studies

Read about the Case Study Learners on
page 47 of the coursepack.

Choose one learner to consider.

On a scrap piece of paper, identify their goalshobbies, and interests. Find two pictures that you would bring to a tutoring session for this learner, and have those ready during training. Make notes on what other materials might also motivate the learner in tutoring -- be creative!


Read pages 13-20 of the
Core Tutor Training Coursepack:

Tutoring Strategies on
Speaking & Listening

Be advised:
You will be asked 
to participate in demos
for a few of these strategies, once as the tutor
and the other times as a learner.

Reflection (optional)

We will not have time during training to cover these reflection questions, but you are encouraged to take some time on your own to consider your responses.

• Why is goal setting so important when tutoring adults?

• What is the most difficult part about goal setting for you personally? How do you think this will be the same or different for the learner when they set goals?

• What role does goal-setting and session planning play in success and progress?


Core Tutor Training Coursepack

Download here!


Zoom link: Click here


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

MODULE THREE: "Word Study & Reading"
6:00 pm- 8:00 pm





Case Studies

Return to your same Case Study Learner on
page 47 of the coursepack.

Use the Session Planning Format
on pages 48-49 to begin a session plan for this learner. Add one or more Speaking & Listening strategies to your session plan.


Read pages 21-33 of the
Core Tutor Training Coursepack:

Tutoring Strategies on
Wordy Study & Reading

Be advised:
You will be asked to participate in demos
for a few of these strategies, once as the tutor
and the other times as a learner.

 Reflection (optional)

We will not have time during training to cover these reflection questions, but you are encouraged to take some time on your own to consider your responses.

• What am I most excited about? What am I most nervous about?

• Who do I think my learner will be? What do I imagine they are like?

• What am I going to ask my learner in our first meeting? What am I going to share about myself?

• What materials and pictures will I use? How can I build rapport?


Core Tutor Training 

Download here!


Zoom link: Click here


Thursday, December 7, 2023

MODULE FOUR: "Vocabulary & Writing"
6:00 pm- 8:00 pm





Case Studies

Return to your same Case Study Learner on
page 47 of the coursepack.

Return to the Session Planning Format
on pages 48-49 to continue your session plan for this learner. Add one or more Word Study & Reading strategies to your session plan.

Bonus: Once you've read the coursepack pages on Vocabulary & Writing strategies, you may consider whether any of these strategies would also work well in your session plan.


Read pages 34-45 of the
Core Tutor Training Coursepack:

Tutoring Strategies on
Vocabulary & Writing

Be advised:
You will be asked 
to participate in demos
for a few of these strategies, once as the tutor
and the other times as a learner.

Reflection (optional)

We will not have time during training to cover these reflection questions, but you are encouraged to take some time on your own to consider your responses.

• What has been the hardest part of session planning for you so far?

• “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – A Chinese proverb. How can you involve your learners?

• What did you think session planning would be like before you started training? How did you confirm or change your perspective?


Core Tutor Training 

Download here!


Zoom link: Click here



Lara is available for Tech Support before, between, and after our modules!
You can reach her at either of the following:

  • Phone: (734) 337-3442
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





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