Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Washtenaw Literacy’s statement on diversity, equity and inclusion was adopted by the Board of Directors in May 28, 2020, and is continuously reviewed.

    Our Principles

    Washtenaw Literacy trains people to be tutors. Our tutors help other adults learn to read, write, and speak English and do math. This work helps our community become more literate. A literate community is a strong community.

    In our work, diversity, equity, and inclusion matter. We want everyone to learn, thrive, and succeed. But people have different literacy and English skills. People with more skills have more power. It is easier for them to protect themselves from harm. It is easier for them to meet their needs and exercise their rights. Equity and inclusion are more within their reach. We help people build their skills so they can have more power.

    Diversity. We see and accept that people are different from each other. People have different backgrounds, ideas, strengths, needs, and goals. We value and respect these differences. We value and respect each other. We help each other use our backgrounds, ideas, and strengths to meet our needs and achieve our goals. We use our diversity to become stronger together.

    Equity. We see that some people and groups have more advantages than others. These advantages may be unfair or unjust. When we see unfair or unjust outcomes, we look for causes and find solutions. We work to correct unfair or unjust situations. We treat each other with fairness and respect. We help each other succeed.

    Inclusion. We see that different people and groups have different amounts and kinds of power. Power can be used to shut people out. We use our power to bring people in. Power can be used to shut people up. We use our power to hear more voices. Power can be used to control others. We use our power to share control with others. We work together to set goals, make decisions, and create our community.

    These are our principles. We commit ourselves to them.